Listen to the community instead


Maybe you should have listened to the experts and the community instead mate!

Let’s face it, the hugely unpopular ex-Mayor certainly isn’t our mate but he certainly did get it wrong as did the councillors that voted in support of A31.

The WA Department of Planning has now started releasing information to the CWRA including extracts of the Planning Officers Report and details of the State Planning Commission (SPC) resolutions that show they recommended A31 be rejected. They have said and we quote;

The wholesale change to the development potential within the precinct areas of Floreat and City Beach, at this point in time IS UNWARRANTED…”

Examination of the amendment proposal has revealed THAT THE METHOD USED IS BOTH IN-APPROPRIATE AND FLAWED…”.

Submissions lodged during the advertising period of the amendment raised numerous concerns as outlined previously. The concerns ARE VALID…”

Yes. The SPC recommended to Minister Day that the TOC Amendment 31 be rejected. They found both the mechanism and the Manor House concept proposed by the TOC to be flawed and inappropriate.

By rushing in and initiating such a fatally flawed Amendment the Council simply opened the door for more widespread upcodings throughout the character suburbs of City Beach and Floreat. The Minister would not have been able to propose such upcodings if Amendment 31 had not been initiated. Minister Day took the opportunity presented to him and ignored his own department’s policies and pushed for an excessive density spread around small local centres with no built form controls and open slather on battleaxe subdivsion. This is in direct opposition to the Heritage Council recommendation and the SPC recommendation that A31 simply be rejected.

What happens now? Our ELECTED Members MUST now work with the community on this new proposal to achieve a more reasonable outcome, to protect the Heritage of our suburbs. The Minister’s proposals are just that, proposals. They must be re-advertised and re-examined. Let’s do it right this time, in consultation with the community whose concerns were shown to be valid. And Minister Simpson, it’s time for you to let every elected member vote on this issue that clearly impacts on our entire community.


SPC Jan 19 Resolution Extract


4 thoughts on “Listen to the community instead

  1. As the majority of the city beach and floreat residents against A31 suspected.
    This information should be circulated to all Cambridge councillors who supported A31 so they may reflect on their past support for A31 .
    While doing this they should also re-assess their current vindictive and ridiculous support at rate payers expense of the legal court case against rate payers standing to go to court.
    If the councillors supporting this court case believe they are protecting their rights as councillors for there not to be unwarranted ‘interference’ from rate payers in their running of the council, then they should personally fund the court case.
    A case can be made that these councillors and senior officers should reimburse the council for the legal costs incurred to date.
    It is insanity for the council to be using rate payers funds against the rate payers and an outrageous trampling of the principles of democracy.


    • Perhaps the council will now decide not to oppose the court case and simply allow the judge to review and make a decision. We believe this would be the sensible approach.


  2. But aren’t Simon Withers and Minister Day associates of long standing…and isn’t that how things have always been done in Perth?


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